Professional window cleaning services can save you a lot of time. They can even save you money, which might seem counterintuitive. The time you spend cleaning your own windows could be time better spent doing something more productive; if you run a business, the time your employees spend cleaning the windows is lost productivity and wasted wages. If you want to save an optimal amount of time and money, you should ask these questions.
How Do You Charge?
There are several ways that a window cleaning company might charge you. They can charge based on the number of window panes. This is the most common method. A pane is defined as a piece of glass completely surrounded by a frame. So, if you had a four-pane window, it would count as four panes and not one window. Alternately, a company can charge based on the square footage of your business. This isn’t as common, but might be used if you have a large building with large windows but few individual panes. A good example would be businesses with glass storefronts.
Lastly, a company might charge simply by the amount of time they spend at your home or business. This is common, especially when the cleaning is part of general cleaning services.
Do You Work Nights or Weekends?
Depending on the nature of your business, having a window cleaning crew around could disrupt your day to day work. If the cleaning crew is disrupting your work, then it’s partially negating the benefit of having the crew in the first place. However, many cleaning crews are willing to work on weekends or early in the morning.
They often don’t work nights because that would make it very difficult to spot dirt on the windows. Working in the morning is often the better choice for them because high temperatures during the day could cause the water to evaporate too quickly. If the water evaporates too quickly, the soap can leave streaks on the windows.
If they work weekends or early mornings they’ll likely be out of your way.
Do You Have a Loyalty Program?
Window cleaning is the type of business that relies on repeat customers. Therefore, many companies will have loyalty programs that they will offer you. They’ll give you discounts for having your windows cleaned more often or having them do more work. It’s a great way for you to save money.